Moy Regional Primary School

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Bouncy Castle fun!

An Awesome Day at the Argory!

P5/6 visited the Argory for a fun day of activities to mark 200 years of this amazing local Irish gentry house and estate. 
We had brilliant fun in the forest and around the campfire. The toasted marshmallows dipped in popcorn were a delicious treat for everyone!

We really enjoyed having time together to play in the park. A brilliant day had by all! A huge thankyou to the Argory staff for the fun and interesting activities! We all had a great day out!

The Argory is 200 years old!

In groups we had the opportunity to contribute to this 200 years celebration by designing our very own class bunting. The children came up with beautiful designs and enjoyed using a wide range of art materials. Well done everyone! We were told how the children who previously lived in the house loved to do this very activity  during their summer holidays. 

Pupils also found it very interesting to complete a tour of the beautiful house and enjoyed hearing about its history and many fantastic features and artefacts. The children were keen to ask lots of questions to find out all about the house and its previous owners. 

Summer Garden Lanterns

We used the technique of paper mâché to create paper lanterns decorated with pressed summer flowers. 

Sunrise Paintings

Continuing our work on light, we have been investigating how easy it is to read in different locations. We read at our desk, in the classroom store and under a table covered with a sheet. We discovered that it was harder to read in places that have less light.

Well done Ivan, who was chosen as the most enthusiastic player at the Drumglass Rounders Tournament 

Sports Day fun

We all enjoyed our ice-cream treat at Sports Day 

In WAU, we have been learning about the topic of light. We did some experiments using a torch, to show how by placing an object between the torch and a wall, we can make a shadow. We also investigated what objects light will and will not pass through.

KS2 Craft Club

KS2 pupils had the opportunity to attend a 3 week after school craft club in which they made paper mâché pets in preparation for Armagh Show. 

Pupils had great fun doing this and enjoyed having the chance to develop their art skills while spending some time with their friends. 

Well done Holly, who recently received a certificate for reading 100,000 words in Accelerated Reader.

Well done Oliver, who recently received a certificate for reading 100,000 words in Accelerated Reader.

Well done Ivan, who was awarded best player for our school football team in the Neill Buckley Tournament.

Shared Lessons 

Presentation Time!

Parkanaur Presents…

We met at Parkanaur for our final day of shared lessons with St John’s pupils. This began with map reading, orienteering and free play in the forest.  Following this, we had time  for a final rehearsal of our presentations before delivering these in our groups to the other pupils and staff. The children did this really well, demonstrating excellent confidence and knowledge of the learning gained over the previous weeks. 

As promised, pupils enjoyed some well earned slices of delicious pizza as a lovely treat for all their hard work. 

Well done everyone!

An excellent presentation about how we can work together to build a successful community and improve our environment.

Time for some yummy pizza!
Thank you so much Jodie for this lovely treat!! 

Vision of a Shared Future

P5/6 pupils were up at St John’s PS to complete a shared lesson about how we can work together to build a better future together. Children produced a poster to display their ideas about how we can all contribute to building a better community for the people of Moy and how we can all do things to help take care of and  improve the environment around us.

Active Citizenship

St John’s pupils joined our Moy Regional pupils to gain a more developed understanding of how to be a citizen who can actively contribute to create a more positive and effective society.

Prejudice, Stereotypes and Discrimination 

Up at St John’s pupils all came together to learn about prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination. 

Cultural Identity

P5/6 pupils were joined in our school hall by pupils and staff from St John’s PS to explore Cultural Identity, what this actually means and the symbols for each of us that relate to this.

Team Building 

We had a fun day at Parkanaur with pupils from  St John’s PS when we had the opportunity to complete a variety of team building activities.
1.In teams, we participated in relay races and sorting games to get to know one another. We used a map of the forest to find various points during orienteering.

2. After lunch, we split into three smaller groups to work on further team building. In pairs, the first group helped their blind folded partner to make their way through the forest by giving verbal instructions. This required the children to have a great deal of trust in their partner.

3. The next group had to work together to transport water from one large container to another using only the guttering pipes that were there. They had to communicate, work as a team and move quickly in order to complete this successfully.

4. Finally, the remaining group had to build a bridge to take them all from one side of the yard to the other without stepping down onto the ground. This involved passing up the crates and planks of wood which were  no longer needed from the back to the front of the bridge. Pupils really had to work together to achieve this. They all had brilliant fun!

Sunflower Drawings

We planted sunflower seeds and have been watering them and caring for them.

Every week we are measuring them and have created a bar chart to display how their growth has progressed.

Pupils enjoyed drawing sunflower heads and produced some very detailed and interesting drawings.

Multiplying and  Dividing by 11 Tables Practice

We used the cups to order the multiples of 11. 

We multiplied the circle numbers by 11 and added them on top of the cups showing the multiples of 11 to match to the answer.

We divided the multiples of 11 shown in the cup tops and added the number circles on top of these to show the answer.

P5/6 had a great morning at their shared education Healthy Kidz session with P5 from St John’s. Thank you Lee and Brianna from Healthy Kidz for the fun session.

We all had a great morning visiting P1/2, to share facts and pictures about brown bears we had prepared for them.

To celebrate World Book Day, we became Library Detectives. We had to become detectives, to find books in our school library that matched the statements written on our Library Detectives sheet. Everyone also enjoyed designing a new cover for their favourite book.

Well done Cameron who has received a prize and certificate for getting 80% and over in 20 accelerated reader tests.

Thank you Holly for bringing in your medal to show us that you won with your drama group at Portadown Speech Festival, well done!

We all enjoyed a great day out at the Navan Centre, learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. We had the opportunity to learn about Egyptian gods, hieroglyphics and the mummification process. We met an Egyptian farmer and slave and had the opportunity to make our own Egyptian crown. 

Paying our respects to the mummy we all helped to mummify.

A big well done to Lucas, who received an accelerated reader certificate and prize for reading 100,000 words

We had a great morning with Patrick and Johnny from Beam Drama. We joined up with P6/7, together we all learnt about Internet Safety, how to keep ourselves safe online with some of the apps we might be using.

We had a great afternoon learning about ‘Looking Good in Ancient Egypt’ with Museum on the Move. The Ulster Museum delivered a box to our school with Ancient Egyptian artefacts for us to learn about. We joined up with Michael on Microsoft teams where we had the chance to look at the items in class while he told us all about them. We also made paint from coloured stones and drew our favourite artefact.

Synonyms are words which are similar in meaning. 

We moved through the space and searched for the verbs poster which showed verbs similar in meaning to the one on our circular verb word card so that we could match them correctly.

We really enjoyed watching the new Wonka movie together at the cinema. It was a great show!

A big well done to Kristof and Cameron, who won the colouring competition for our class at Drumglass High School pantomime performance.

We designed our own Christmas scarves.

Christmas Art and Craft :

Some photos of our classroom from Supper with Santa. We all had a great evening showing off our classroom and meeting new families.

Our KS2 Christmas Choir performed for residents at Roxborough House and shoppers at The Oaks. 

P5/6 had a fun morning at Moy Methodist Church completing Christmas crafts. A big thank you to all the helpers who assisted us.

P5/6 had a great morning with P5 from St John’s PS, taking part in a Healthy Kidz team building session down at Moy Presbyterian Church Hall.

Christmas jumper day 

We all had a great morning with P6/7 and Maryam from Speedwell, learning all about the amazing world of water, how amazing it is and all of its uses.

In Numeracy we have been learning how to sequence decimals.

All of KS2 came together with Mr Crabb to learn about common British birds. We enjoyed finding out about their appearance, diets, habitats and calls. It was fun to hold them and get to see these beautiful birds so close up. We made bird feeders and cooked food for them. It was interesting to use the binoculars to spot birds within the grounds of our school. 

KS2 choir pupils attended the switching on of the Moy Christmas lights. They combined with pupils from St John’s PS and Collegelands PS to sing well known Christmas favourites, creating a beautiful Christmas atmosphere in Moy Square. Well done all! 

We all had a great time on our Nature Rangers trip to Parkanaur with Mrs Young’s class. We had a busy day learning about exploring habitats and seasons, exploring the forest and making food chain mobiles.

We all had great fun this morning taking part in our Sponsored Autumn Welly walk. A big thank you to all for making such a great effort in fundraising, thank you!

We all had a great morning listening to a campfire story and making s’mores, we all really enjoyed them!

We all had a great coaching session with Ryan from Dungannon Rugby Club.

Dungannon RFC Tag Rugby Blitz Tournament 

Go Moy Regional!

Fresh vegetable soup for a cosy autumn snack!

Autumn Artefacts Salt Dough Craft 

Tiger Dead! Tiger Dead! is the text we have been studying in Literacy.

We produced some pieces of work based on this story.

Terrific Tiger Paintings

Some pupils also enjoyed using online apps to create this wonderful tiger mosaic picture.

Drama Activities based on Tiger Dead! Tiger Dead! 

Pupils worked together to create Freeze Frames  to show the main events of the story.

They aimed to show how the feelings of the various characters about the event differed

from character to character. 

Pupils explored various emotions, how we can show these using our facial expressions and how we recognise these emotions in another person.

We have been learning analogue and digital times. 

Use of Commas

We learned about different types of comma use and what examples of these look like in a text.

We practised adding commas to punctuate different types of list sentences.

We have started to work on fractions this week. We made fraction cards to show the three different ways we can represent a fraction, then worked together to match up our fraction cards.

P5/6 love visiting the tuck shop

Types of Nouns

We working on identifying and grouping common, proper and abstract nouns.

Fruit Kebabs

 Pupils enjoyed some very healthy and delicious fruit for today's snack.

Healthy food means a healthy brain!

We really enjoy developing our hockey skills with our coach, Christine Russell!

Alphabetical Order

We have been learning about how to use the alphabet to order lists of words alphabetically.

Mental Maths Activities

We are very good at multiplying!

Working hard to create beautiful planters.

Making Marks

Pupils used special markers to explore mark making. They produced these colourful patterned rocks.

The Dot

'Just make a mark and see where it takes you!'

Pupils created their own special designs and patterns inside their dot. Everyone had their own unique thoughts and ideas about how their dot should look.

We can all do so many things if we just give them a try!

Primary 6/7 had a great time at Shannaghmore. Everyone had great fun completing all of the fun outdoor activities and we were all well fed and well looked after.

2D Shapes

We examined 2D shapes and their properties.

Capital Letters

We identified, grouped and suggested different types of words which must be written with a capital. 


We have been doing work in Numeracy on Place Value