Moy Regional Primary School

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We have PE on Wednesday and Friday.

We learned all about capacity and how to read a measuring scale.

We learned all about length.

We had a very enjoyable trip to Armagh Planetarium.
The dome show and rocket launch was super fun!
There was lots of dressing up as astronauts too! 

Launching our rockets at Armagh Planetarium was very exciting!
Rhys and Destiny’s rocket definitely soared the highest! 

The best thing about our money topic…. Using the money stampers! The P3/4 pupils just love this activity.

We have been learning all about Symmetry. We played interactive games to test our knowledge, made symmetrical patterns and painted symmetrical butterflies. Super work! 

We made yummy Easter Treats!

We have been learning all about setting descriptions. We moved around the classroom and looked at different settings. We used adjectives to describe these and then discussed them as a class. 

 Beautiful Spring artwork by P3&4!

For World Book Day P3&4 brought in their favourite book and talked about it during Show and Tell. 

P3&4 drew and coloured beautiful cards for Mothering Sunday.

We had a very enjoyable day out to Palace Stables in Armagh where we learned all about World War Two.                            

P3 & 4 took on the role of an Evacuee and wrote letters home.  Click on each photo to read our letters. 

The Blitz Factfiles by P4

Primary 4 drew and coloured their own Evacuees.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Studyladder is an online learning platform used throughout our school. P4 have a timetabled slot every Friday to complete tasks associated with their curriculum learning.
These are the latest certificates awarded.  Well done boys and girls!

P3 & 4 we’re delighted to welcome Jenna, a lower sixth pupil to our class for work experience. Jenna planned a lovely Valentine’s craft for all the pupils. Check out our finished cards, they look great! 

We used interactive games to support our

learning about Fact Families.

We have been learning all about Rounding.

We completed artwork about the Blitz. We painted the sky and cut out buildings to represent London during the bombing. 

Accelerated Reader Prize Winners!

Well done!

Christmas Party fun!

We had a great trip to Peter Pans. Lots of fun with our classmates and a lovely tasty lunch. 

We had a lovely morning at Elfridge’s. There were so many goodies to choose from. P3 & 4 had an enjoyable time choosing presents and wrapping them up for their loved ones. Thank you to the Parent Support Group for organising this lovely treat. 

Look at our lovely Santa jars.
We are super impressed with them!

Everyone worked hard when completing our numeracy topic of Greater than and Less than. 

We have been learning all about ADJECTIVES. We brought in our favourite toy to describe it orally and then wrote all about it using interesting adjectives. 

We made beautiful Snow Globes

Our class visited Moy Methodist Church for an activity day. We had a lovely morning completing all the different activities.

P3&4 performed ‘Knock,Knock’ the Nativity along with P1&2. Everyone was just fabulous!!! 

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Artwork

For our WW2 topic, we drew Spitfires and coloured them in making sure we used the correct camouflage colours. We also had a gallery session where the pupils had the opportunity to comment on the drawings and state what they liked about each one.

We had a great trip to Parkanaur and enjoyed the forest walks and activities. 

Remembrance Day Activities

Leaf Showers after our Sponsored Walk 

It was a lovely sunny Autumn morning for our pupils taking part in their Sponsored Walk. Thank you all for your fundraising efforts.

Autumn Fun Week chocolate apples

& Dress up Day

Campfire Stories and s’mores 

P4 & P5 pupils enjoyed a live lesson with Franz from Izak9. They showed super teamwork and problem solving skills. Well done!

We learned all about Place Value.

We have been learning how to find 10 more and 10 less with 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Big thanks to Ryan from Dungannon Football Rugby club who came to school for a  rugby taster session. We had lots of fun! Look out for the leaflet home all about the training times available at the club. 

Nouns all around us!

The P3 & 4 pupils completed their Alphabetical Order sorting activity carefully and accurately.

Our finished artwork.

Great job everyone!

We used silky crayons to draw fireworks for the background of our pumpkin artwork.

Our hockey sessions with Christine from CR Hockey started back.
The children had a great first session. Well done everyone!

We having been learning all about numbers to 100 and 1000. We enjoy playing games to help our learning. 

We enjoyed using the shed equipment to get our bodies moving. 

We had lots of fun in PE on our first week back at school. Super smiles!

P3 & 4 Summer Holiday News